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Played it all the way through. General comments:

- I did not notice that there was a shield ability, but I never needed it. Perhaps in harder levels it'd be useful. 

- The animations look good. 

- It's satisfying to line up the right click ability so that it hits a bunch of mobs at once.

- I kinda wished I could move while using my abilities (swiping, throwing the spear/firework, and doing the right click ability).

- It seemed like mouse only had 2/3 of the abilities. Perhaps mapping middle-mouse to the 3rd ability would be nice, if you want to have the option to play with mouse. After switching to use the keyboard, I did not try to use the mouse again because I wanted to have all abilities at my disposal.

- I couldn't tell why I couldn't move on from a certain stage to the next at first. I guessed that I had to kill all the mobs, but honestly I'm still not sure. 

- The title card art and music is excellent.

- Nitpick for the demo experience: Would be nice if you can pause and see controls while in the game, rather than having to go to main menu to see controls. 

Fun Game! Played it all the way through.


  • game play us really fun, I can definitely see the Hades 2 inspiration for the combat. Movement feels responsive and fun.

Needs Work:

  • I feel like the attacks could change the direction of the player toward the cursor like in hades 2. This would feel better.
  • The right click range attack was really well done, but again making it shoot toward the cursor (like the attack) would feel a lot better, as it does in hades 2.
  • The shift ability that is the shield felt a bit useless because of how short it is. Maybe there is a better ability you can provide in its place, or modify it. 

Overall a successful demo, and played it all the way through so it was definitely fun and has potential. Nice Job!